Our Story
Our story isn't unique in the llama world, but is definitely a adventure we didn't anticipate. We went to a local tractor show. There we met Julie Hendrikson, who was showcasing her llamas. She enticed our daughter, Adi, to walk a llama, and shortly there after we got our first 2 llamas from the Meany Family. Having llamas has transformed our lives. It has provided an extraordinary adventure in so many fantastic ways, but most importantly, created an avenue for our quiet and shy daughter, Adi, to thrive and build confidence. This Lama Life/journey has enabled us to meet many incredible folks.
Four years later, we now have 11 llamas, and are developing a breeding program. We strive to have a sustainable, synergistic farm. Our farm is comprised of our family's individual interests. Our son, Ty, has 13 varieties of chickens, and gets a new breed each year. We have fruit trees, which is a nod to fond memories of my husband, Jason's, childhood time at his Grandparent's home . My Grandma Blanche was a gifted baker, which has encouraged us to have vine fruits as well to attempt to replicate her famous pies and dabble in jam making. Our farm life continues to deliver fabulous paths to explore and engage.